Special Needs Vision Group Feb 27, 2024
Lisa Miles did a quick recap of prior meeting and broke down the discussion points for the meeting. Tonight, we will create and give feedback for paperwork. volunteer application process, facilities, etc.
There is a meeting on Equipping churches to embrace disability on March 14th at Cave Spring Baptist Church with Ryan Wolfe from Ability Ministry. Lisa Miles and Megan McCoy will be going and would love for others to come!
We began our time with prayer for families we know who are feeling isolated and for the families who will begin to come to OHC.
After prayer, our group discussed a name for OHC’s special needs ministry. We all liked “Mosaic Ministries Investing in people of all abilities for eternity”. Mosaic in part for Moses who had a speech impairment and also for the image of a mosaic with all of the pieces being important and needed to create something beautiful. We will continue to think and pray over this name and revisit at our next meeting.
For Volunteer application and onboarding:
It was decided to use the children’s ministry existing application to serve and just reword for special needs. All volunteers will undergo a background check and also complete at least 2 services shadowing one of our trainers to work with a specific individual.
For children with special needs:
We discussed the need for information from the parents. A form was passed around that was fairly detailed. After discussing, the group decided that form was too overwhelming for a first time visitor and should be used after a second time attending, probably with a personal call or meeting with the parent/guardian.
For a first time visitor, we decided on a simple card with 2 questions.
What are the top 3 things we need to know to care for your child well today?
If your child is uncomfortable or upset, at what point do you want us to text you?
For young adults/adults, an info form will need to be created different from children.
We ended our meeting with a tour of the building in a wheelchair and walker. This was very enlightening! A few notes:
· The sanctuary bathrooms are almost impossible to get in with a wheelchair, and once inside, there is no room to navigate. The men’s room needs a handrail by the urinal.
· The sensory room will need to have clearance by the door for a wheelchair and a magnetic door holder to hold the door open as someone navigates getting a chair in and out. (Leslie Ramsey – great idea about the magnet door holder!)
· The bathrooms in the children’s foyer will be great with the push buttons and larger handicapped stalls for those who need assistance toileting. It will not be large enough for the changing table to be in those restrooms. We discussed an alternate family restroom that would have the large changing table and privacy. It would also allow a mom to assist a teen boy or wife to assist a husband (or vice versa) without having to use the wrong restroom.
The group closed in prayer. Lisa will send out the notes and a reminder about the meeting at Cave Spring. We will decide on our next meeting date over email.
Special Needs Vision Group 02/06/2024
Introductions around the room: name and what drew you to this group.
Played 2’s and Kings – each person received a card and wasn’t allowed to look at it. When Lisa said begin, everyone put their cards on their foreheads and began to try and talk to others in the room. The goal was to hang out with a king but not a 2. You had to be kind, but you were seeking out the kings. After a few minutes, the group was asked to go to one side if they thought they were a king and the other if they thought they were a 2. Everyone guessed their card correctly. The group discussed how it felt to be a 2.
The heart behind our ministry is that no one would ever walk through our doors and feel like a 2. We want to be warm, welcoming, and lean in to differences not away from them.
Noah Estes brought up that the words around special needs are hard. Disabled, special, different. He doesn’t appreciate those terms because he is intelligent and more than able to do things. We talked about the words being hard and trying to be sensitive. Noah also shared with the group that is very hard when you look like a king but are actually a 2. As someone with autism, he said he looks normal but doesn’t like loud noises, certain lights, crowds, and he stutters. Because he looks normal and people don’t understand he in different in his brain, it is hard for him.
The Buddy Coach program
We are being given a tie to prepare and get people trained and in place BEFORE people come. It will be so important to have on call buddies in place and scheduled to receive and assist individuals as they come.
On Call buddies are needed to stay until we know there is not a need for that service. Then when someone with a need comes, we are ready and the on call buddy becomes a regularly scheduled buddy with that individual.
Buddies who are scheduled bi-weekly can communicate with each other about what works and what doesn’t work and build stronger relationships with individuals
Lisa will send a google drive form with additional space to fill out availability and experience.
Facilities Needs and Update
Sensory room – in process. One side of the accordion room (meeting room 7) will be used as a sensory room. It will have furniture, soft rug, mini fridge, bookcase. It will be multi-age appropriate. Need ideas for what else may be needed.
Children’s Ministry bathrooms – push button access doors, changing areas – in process.
What else do we need to be thinking about?
Other areas of need
Prepping/creating supplies.
Volunteer scheduling and care
Events (respite nights)
Thoughts from group:
Serve one/attend one – what if you have a special needs child but want to serve? Can we accommodate your child for both services?
Training – group training/overview of special needs, policies, etc.
Parent engagement – involve the parent in the plan for the child
Respite nights for parents
Hearing impairment needs
Life groups for families with special needs
Safety concerns if there is a one on one without another adult (cameras, on call person to assist) Need policy in place.
Sliding front door on new building – all are welcome
Bathroom needs – large changing tables, toilet with side rails, ADA height, bidet, etc.
In Sanctuary – a few chairs with arms, noise cancelling headphones or ear plugs
Outdoor ADA play equipment
Extra adult sized disposable briefs.
Visuals to help folks communicate
Communication boards (Megan and Kelsey can help with communication visuals)
Action Steps
Lisa to send notes to the group and a google drive link for volunteers to give more info
Think through what these ideas look like to implement (what do we need? Who can fill those rolls?)
We will need a volunteer scheduler, trainers, buddies, coaches, and people to create needed supplies/materials, maybe a painting party for the new sensory room?!?