Join The Team!

Saved people serve people. The way we express our thanks to Jesus is by serving Him through serving others. We believe God gave you unique skills and talents to help change the world around you. At Orchard Hills there are serving opportunities to fit your skills and your schedule. Check them out below…

Children – Lisa Miles

OHC Children is a positive environment designed to personally invest in the lives of children through loving and consistent leaders who incite wonder, encourage discovery, and fuel passion for authentic faith in Jesus Christ. The opportunities to serve in this ministry include: Coaches, Small Group Leaders, Special Needs Team, Worship Leaders, Technical Support, Group and Classroom Prep Team, Room Assistants, and Greeters.

Communion – Michelle Stephenson

This team seeks to bring everyone in the congregation into the presence of the Lord by preparing the elements for and serving communion. The opportunities to serve in this ministry include: Communion Server, Setup/Cleanup Team and Linen Caretaker.

Connect - Sutton Wirt

This team passionately helps people connect at Orchard Hills. Whether helping them join a Life Group, sign up for a service team, or participate in another ministry, its goal is to move individuals from Sunday attenders to active members. This goal is accomplished through personal communication with first-time and return, lunch and coffee meetings, and the Weekender.

First Impressions – Todd Selkirk

This team creates an environment where guests and members of OHC feel welcome and cared for. From the moment our guests enter the parking lot, this team goes to extraordinary lengths to make them feel comfortable . Opportunities to serve in this ministry include: Parking Team, Greeter, or Usher.

Hospitality – Debbie Troutt

This Team plans and organizes special events for OHC such as the church picnics, congregational meetings, and meals for VBS. Prayer – Donna Cudworth and Sue Vinson This team encourages and inspires a church-wide culture of prayer by providing personal and corporate prayer opportunities. Opportunities to serve in this ministry include: Sunday Service Rail Ministers and In-depth Healing Ministers.

Life Groups – Sutton Wirt

A Life Group is a small group of approximately 10 – 15 adults who meet regularly to grow spiritually and connect relationally. This team strives to better connect people to God and each other. Opportunities to serve in this ministry include: Life Group Leaders and Life Group Hosts.

Media – Carly Dugan

This team works behind the scenes to create beautiful Sunday morning experiences and to communicate the stories of OHC throughout the week. Opportunities to serve in this ministry include: Photography and Videography, Audio Production, Graphic Design and Art, Writing and Editing.

Men – Matt Clark and Scott Felts

The Men’s Ministry works to inspire, challenge and equip the men of OHC to honor Jesus, love their families, and serve their church and communities. There are many opportunities to serve such as leading a small group, welcoming newcomers, coordinating events, and organizing outreaches.

Music – Jon Speas

This team strives to create a worship time that invites others to experience the presence of God. Opportunities to serve on this team include: vocalists and musicians. The worship team meets one evening during the week to prepare for Sunday morning services.

Orchard Hills Achievement Center- Lisa Miles

This program provides personal and consistent investment in the educational, physical, social, and spiritual lives of children with limited resources through the Homework Helps, Mom and Me Preschool and Summer Enrichment programs. Opportunities to serve in this ministry include Small Group Leaders and Assistants, Preschool Teacher, Craft and Recreation Leaders, and Bus Drivers.

Orchard Hills Day School - Michelle Stephenson

This ministry blesses our community by providing quality childcare, early education, and after school programs to families with young children in our community. They are always in need of staff or volunteers who love Jesus and love children!

Production – Jon Speas

This team plays a behind-the-scenes role that has a dramatic impact on the Sunday morning experience. Opportunities to serve in this ministry include: Produce and Direct production, FOH and Assistant FOH mixers, Backstage Crew, CG Operators and Assistants, Lead Lighting Operator and Assistant, and Recording Engineer. Apprentice opportunities are available in some areas within the Production Team, see Jon for more information.

Students – Kevin Hughes

The goal of the Student Ministry is to help students grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through small groups, large group gatherings and mission trips. Opportunities to serve in this ministry include: Small Group Leaders, Hospitality Team, Parent Support Team, Game Facilitators and Bus Drivers.

Women – Michaela Speas

Our Women’s ministry at Orchard Hills aims to connect and equip women to love God, one another, their families, and their world well. We do this through weekly Bible studies, small groups, and yearly conferences. Opportunities to serve in this ministry include leading a small group, hosting a Bible Study, and coordinating events.