Online Ministry Planning Meeting Tuesday, February 27th
Attendance: 9
Recap from first meeting:
Why: opportunity to reach people that are here/coming to the building; new folks and our regular attenders as well
- It will take a big team to make it happen- technical and community focused
- We need to take the next step from Broadcast to community
- We are leveraging technology but we have to still build community
- New platform is the “Community Hub”
- Area for groups to share information and build relationships
- We will still need to be on social media- encouraging folks where they are.
New business:
1. Katie shared about Women’s online “small group”
- Looking to go more to a group chat to include daily scripture verse, sharing of encouragement, prayer requests, etc.
- Then once a month or so doing a virtual meet up via zoom to build the more personal relationship with those that can join.
o Develop announcement and flyers for this
o Develop e-news
o Announce on online sermon chats vs banner at the bottom
o Develop a base group to get this started on small scale
- Jerry shared that the best way to share these ideas is with the personal connection and reach outs
o Start with your contacts and a simple invite and build from there
- Discussion around onboarding/gate keeping- this could be done through Church Center- folks would join the online Women’s small group and once they have been accepted they are added to the group?
2. As far as the Online Service Hosts- they are still developing training guides for additional hosts
- This would include resources for the normal questions like: I want to be baptized; I need prayer; I have a question about …
- this will be easy to share information when asked but train the hosts to help those on the online ministry
- Need to encourage folks to watch online when they cannot be at church on Sundays but can watch remotely. Our normal attenders probably don’t think about that as often when they need to miss a Sunday here or there, but it would be good to see them joining.
3. As a team- we are open to adding additional folks to the vision group- is this what we all expected when we signed up for this group?
- Were we thinking technical side?
- Or community building?
- Not sure?
- We have 20+ folks interested in the vision group but much smaller attendance in both of these meetings… Why?
o Likely in other vision meetings?
- But we need their help and more to make this all happen.
4. Further Discussion on Community Hub Platform-
- We need a core group of folks that will be active with it to encourage others to use it and build the usage of it.
- We will need community ambassadors/ leaders/ monitors
- What will go there?
- Discussion boards:
o Sermons
o Daily Devotions
- We are going to use a platform on Discourse which is an open source application that we can build it to what we would like
- Will not be able to be a single sign on with our Church Center app
- These two will have to be parallel and not linked but we will not stop using Church Center since it has functionality we still need.
o Maybe down the road there will be an integration to link the two together
- Will we have a “gating” process?
o We want to ensure it is secure and a place our folks feel like they can share
o We have two groups of people- our known folks- already church members here in the building AND new folks that we are trying to reach.
§ If we gate- how do we get the new folks
o Maybe we have some areas that are open to “all” then other areas that are gated a little more strict to make it more personal and people feel they can share.
- This is where community managers will come into play.
- This is part of our mission field so need to be able to stay open as much as possible
- We have a tendency to close things up to protect ourselves but we have to be comfortable with opening up
- But we still need to be able to weed out folks when needed
- GOAL: one place where all our groups can reside
o Youth; women; infrastructure, ages and stages; etc…
- A place to share and grow
*there may be a way to use social media log ins versus making a dedicated log in for Community hub so its not something else folks HAVE to keep up with if they don’t want to.
- People have to know about for it to be used
- Like the online services- Scott does shout outs to folks watching on line- we need to share the word often that this resource and community spaces exists and is active.
- Had a list of several options
- Vote from the group tonight is OHC Community Hub
-What about the “Virtual Lobby” before and after the online service to connect with those remote only watchers? - THIS WILL BE DOWN THE ROAD
Next Steps:
- Need requirements/needs from all the groups that want to use it
- What are those groups?
- Set up meeting in a couple weeks to view Demo of Community Hub
- Alan will be working to get the Base set up
o Katie would like to be involved in looking at all that we can do with Discourse from the Base up and give ideas of how to build it.
- Want to Beta test this with a couple groups vs trying to get all groups in it all at once.
- Reach out to the rest of the folks that signed up for this vision group to see where they want to get plugged in.
- March 12th @ 7PM EST- ZOOM CALL
Notes from first meeting on Tuesday, February 6th
In meeting
Alan Frost
Man Vinson
Blake Ashwell
Mark Harrell
Katie Earnest
Jerry Altieri
Why online Ministry?
Gives opportunity to reach ppl we wouldn't be able to reach otherwise.
maybe folks that don’t go.
not able to get to us- travel? Time shifts? SICK?
1st time visitors
how to support members rest of the week.
how to do more here?
* Not just because of Covid but outreach
2 video platform
YouTube-live and on demand avg 60 live
• 15,287 (30sec or longer) views
"Subscribers gained 120 last YR Current 668
church online Platform - Free = only live
- Life Church
online - no app.
chat features; Host tools; Jerry, Mark, Alan Monitor Chat.
Greet people.
wraps YouTube Stream in their site
Stream Team
sanctuary : Sound Tech Light Tech ProPresenter operator.
Outside: Sound, camera , ProPresenter
Online Stream
Sound camera
Online Host
Stream Tech
People investing in people for Eternity
Discipleship - Helping ppl Live, Love, + Lead like Jesus
* Its all about Relationship - Can't Just use technology have to build Community.
1st Step Church Online
very little feedback online for a long time
→ Starting to see some consistent folks * building a small community.
sign in as Guest - no way to reach out.
have to sign in # Share email address.
* No way to reach the folks
1) Create a Community Hub/Form
- Space where like-minded folks can come together to learn, share, + grow in real time
→ Self Host - not use fakebook - who would own.
→ For Those that don’t want to be on social media.
* Different sections for folks to hop in or out for Prayer
- Sermon discussions
2) Online Community Social media
set up accounts on social media- like an on ramp,
help with discovery.
Encourage forks where they are.
Interact with people where they are.
Children’s Ministry → women’s ministry
Build one for online
maybe some Instagram → bible studies down the road
Did just do upgrade on camera System that will give opportunity to do Split view
→ technology to try show map - using iPad to zoom in.
→ PowerPoint on iPad to use pointer.
Jerry - Folks that are Regular viewers → people share in chat.
- Like Prayer Requests
"Folks that have moved
- Without ministry they wouldn’t be able to engage in Church because of health, etc...
→ Online Life Groups.
◦ Lots of positive things touching folks.
◦ Major upgrade right before Covid - things are still progressing.
• Community manages - not 24/7 - people committed in participating and monitor groups
• Keep eye on Questions
• Community Guidelines need to be developed
need more online Host - how to add folks to that.
→ need to develop training for that - Similar to Rail Prayer training.
What did ppl expect?
Blake - It person- targeted marketing online → didn't Know what to expect.
- Systems engineer → manager now
What is biggest need in Producing?
Jon doesn’t have too many holes right now.
August-need camera operators.
need to train now. (1 month training)
ProPresenter - inside outside by Easter.
Need to start thinking @ininting people into this Role.
more tangible community
Need the youth that can be involved.
Who needs to be plugged in to something
How do we tell them where it’s at and who we want to connect with
* Talk to Alan, Jon, or Marc Chamber → PowerPoint, drones, go pro, any content creation, TikTok
ProPresenter - must pay attention.
Jerry- you don’t get Involved until you get involved.
invite people to Church
engage folks - people may not know what opportunities online → Check it out see what it’s about....
* Build online Life Group, Small groups.
Let people watch how Sunday mornings work.
Going to invite.
→ Constant, not so much dedicated each week but maybe monthly → WhatsApp? constant
How to publicize?
Online -
monthly Zoom
Daily weekly touches - sharing verses; prayer requests/encouragement.
Bible Study discussions (SOAPING)
Mark Vinson and Jerry both lead online life Groups
How to get small Group Started? now to get people engaged that are turned off by the Church.
What are their needs?
⁃ ACTION ITEM: How to Phrase it and publicize.
* Ask-think/pray about what we can do
topics for community Forum page Categories?
not all Spiritual
Build community.
how to reach the nomadic folks?
→ or for RVer’s
* Youth online- as College Group. "Jonah - start this up? for College Students.
Think about →
Church wide Zoom events
Stand-alone week Study on???
* Zoom - SOAP Leads?
Feb27th Follow up meeting.