Facility and Infrastructure Vision Meeting 2/27/2024
Scott opened in Prayer.
Josh Wright presented the changes that have been made to the plans from the last meeting.
· On average there are 1.5-2 people per vehicle
o Staff/volunteers/sanctuary = 1.58 p/v ratio
· Parking – the 80% rule
o With a capacity of 690, we will need roughly 400 parking spaces.
o There are 171 current spaces.
§ Add 66 new spaces in the front of the property.
§ Add 41 new spaces up on the back hill/field.
§ We will still need ~120 additional spaces.
§ There are additional parking lots at our neighbors that could be utilized.
· IF this would be the next step, additional golf carts and a parking team would need to be utilized.
· We are currently at the upper limit of our current sanctuary on a weekly basis.
· The current Green Room would be additional space for expanding the bathroom.
· An additional set of double doors at the entrance of the sanctuary.
· We need to keep or increase the site lines we currently have.
o To have a 3ft stage, we will need a 36ft ramp to meet the ADA requirements.
o To allow for the room for the ramp, the HVAC room has been expanded the entire length of the new building.
§ The additional HVAC room expansion also allows for changing rooms in the sacristy, increase the size of the stage, and to add space in the green room, there is also going to be a bathroom for the green room.
· The communion table will be moved to the floor.
· There will be steps inside of the stage to use for weddings and other special events, that can be pulled out. The finishes will match when they are inside the stage and when they are extended.
· With the additional changes mentioned, we are at 690 seats.
· In the next month or so, the architect will be contacting the Interior team to discuss finishes.
Taylor Adkins has provided updates on Consultants for the Capital Campaigns
· 3 different outside consultants have been interviewed regarding fundraising.
· References have been looked at for all 3 of the outside companies.
· They are all very different and unique in their own way.
· If the only thing we are looking at is the final dollar amount, each company would have a very specific road map of how to accomplish the goal.
· There should be some more and very specific updates coming soon.
· There has been more look at the character of the consultants, due to the experience with the campaign for the children’s building.
Matt Browning closed in prayer.
Facility and Infrastructure Meeting February 6th
Scott opened in prayer.
Everyone introduced themselves by name.
Scott reviewed the current plans.
There will be approximately 15,000 sqft added.
New Sanctuary seating capacity: 700
There are architect plans that have been drawn up approximately 6 years ago, that we will continue to use. There are some deviations that will be used, but we do not plan to change a lot of the plans.
Stage will need to be increased, potentially loose the green room on the plan to accommodate this.
Roof Structure:
We will connect the new roof line with the existing roof line of the classrooms.
The building would extend to the current bank/hillside, we would be losing 58 parking spaces in the current parking lot.
Since losing so many parking spaces parking is an issue, the following are considered for additional space:
Add gravel to the bottom of the property near the sign.
You can park at Tread Corp. and walk through the field.
Utilize the side parking lot next to the fire station.
What is the purpose of the kitchen?
Church dinner, school
Commercial kitchen
Multi-purpose area for different groups and gathering spaces, open concept.
We will soon run out of children’s building space, other options for additional classroom space.
2nd story would not be architecturally possible over the current classrooms.
Other possibilities are being explored, as this is going to be an issue.
There are 2 different teams that will be within the Facility and Infrastructure Group, the Building Team and the Fundraising Team.
Each person within the larger group will sign up for a specific role on one or both of the teams.
Time frame: fundraising campaign “hopefully” should be completed by the fall. Construction will likely start Spring 2025.
Scott reviewed some current weekly numbers as pertains to worship attendance:
675 people in house, 175 views online, Sunday 2/3
Over 2000 people in the db, over 1,000 members and regular attenders. Pre Covid a regular member attended 3 out of 4 Sundays a month, now a regular member may only attend 1 or 2 Sundays a month.
Technically once you hit 80% people will tend to start leaving, if they show up and there are not visible seats; they tend to leave.
Jeremy closed in prayer.