
All members of our OHC Children’s Ministry team have undergone a criminal background check, child abuse prevention training, and been trained in their individual area of service. Each volunteer serves in a specific class and are committed to knowing and praying for each child

We use a secure check-in/check-out to ensure that only an authorized person is picking up your kids

Our rooms are staffed above the national standards.

Classrooms are always open for viewing at any time by a parent, either in person or on our security cameras

We ensure all rooms and bathrooms are clean, disinfected, and kid friendly

Check In

If it is your first time joining us with your kids, go to the Children’s Check-In Station. We will ask for the following personal information: family member’s names, children’s names and birthdates, address, phone number, and any special instructions such as allergies or special needs for your child.

When you head to the kid's area on Sunday, you will come straight to the check-in stations. We will have volunteers in the check-in lobby to help you! 

Enter the last 4 digits of your phone number at one of our check-in stations. 

Each child's name tag will then print out, along with a pick-up tag. This pick-up code must be presented for your child to be released.