Sign-ups are open! Register your kids today!
Get ready to PRESS PLAY on the BEST WEEK of the summer! There will be games, music, crafts, food and Tshirts. After an especially hard year, our VBS is focused on CONFIDENCE. We want every child to know that with Jesus they can have confidence because they are known, they belong, they are forgiven, and they can make a difference .
Registration is open for:
Pre K Ages 3 & 4 (PreK kids must be 3 years old by June 1, 2021)
Grades K - 6th (Grade just completed this school year)
Volunteer Positions
July 19th-22nd- Family Dinner starts at 5:45 around back in the pavilion. Parents must remain with their children for dinner. VBS times are 6:30 - 8:30. Children can be dropped off for VBS beginning at 6:20. Grades K and up are in the Sanctuary for drop of & pick up. PreK kids will be dropped off and picked up in their classrooms.
July 22nd-Family Night Parents are invited to join us for the end of VBS in the Sanctuary at 8pm. Ice cream and snacks to follow.