Mark’s Bio

Elder/Stephen Ministry

Hometown: I was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, but have lived in North Roanoke County since 1976.

Family: Sue and I were married in August of 1976.  We met while students at VA Tech.  We have one son (Aaron), two daughters (Rachel and Elizabeth), one daughter-in-law (Jill), and one son-in-law (Sammy).  They have blessed us with five granddaughters and four grandsons.

Education: BS in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Tech.

Background: I was raised in a Southern Baptist Church by parents that were deeply committed to Jesus. However, I don’t recall personally knowing Jesus until He began calling me “out of the blue” while I was a “happy heathen” college student in 1974. I was simply overwhelmed by His transforming power, and have been amazed at His living goodness ever since.

Sue and I have been heavily involved in three Roanoke-area churches since coming to Roanoke in 1976, including Bethany Christian, Cornerstone, and Orchard Hills (since 2010). 

My working career has involved various engineering roles at several companies, including AEP and 2 startups.

Passion at Orchard Hills: Life group Bible study, prayer ministry, and Stephen Ministry

Favorite Illustration of Biblical Truth: I believe one of the most important and overlooked Bible truths is found in Jesu’s illustration in Luke 9:23 - “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me”. While this truth doesn’t sound like good news, it graphically tells us the only way to real life, freedom, joy, and peace - voluntarily laying down all of our individual rights in surrender to our wonderful Lord. Living for ourselves leads inevitably to disappointment and emptiness. Only Jesus provides real life, both now and forever.