Jim’s bio


Hometown: Born Martinsville, VA;  grew up in Columbia, SC

Family: Linda , Wife

Christy (Bobby) Heptinstall - Parker, Brooke, Ty

Sara (Rob) Phelan – RJ, Victoria, Savanah

Jeff (Stacy) Joyce – Zoe, Margo

Education: Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC;  UVA

Background: I accepted Christ as my Savior as a teenager; I then accepted Christ as my Lord at age 43 and my life changed forever.  God is always faithful and good, and He never gave up on me.

Something not many people may know about me. I go on weeklong backpack trips with a group of similarly old guys.  We call ourselves the Grey Ghosts.  My trail name is U-Man.

 Passion at Orchard Hills: The various ministries that reach out to the community to serve needs and spread the love of Christ.

Favorite Illustration of Biblical Truth
The penitent thief on the cross believed Jesus is who He says he is and asked Jesus to remember him and Jesus said to him “you will be with Me in paradise.” (Luke 23:39-43).  The clearest picture of Grace possible!  It moves me every time it comes to mind.